Drama Course


The drama training is provided by the school for selected students from P4-6. The course is taught by native English speaking tutors and is developed to inspire budding performers to improve their English and learn skills in the dramatic arts.

The core aims of the drama course are to improve students’ language skills and confidence for public speaking and general communication. Throughout the course, students will rehearse the main performance and learn valuable skills in body language; intonation and expression; voice projection; script writing; costume design and aspects of theatrical production. 

“We are little caterpillars. Let's wriggle together.”

“ Hello, I am little caterpillar.”

Students are listening to thetutos carefully.

“Let's rehearse the drama performance.”


慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 21460019
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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